Monday, October 20, 2008

My Humble Abode

You might wonder what my living conditions are in HK.

I have moved into the unit next door to the one I was living in before. It is small by US standards but all in all not bad. I live 1/4 of a block from the MTR (HK Subway). Which makes it extremely convenient to travel to HK island and back.

Here are some pictures of my modest home....

I am happy I have this space to myself. The only thing that took me some getting used to as you can see is the integrated shower slash toilet......I always have to think ahead of time what i need to do first =P
So far comfortable living.....Still miss the large amounts of space I had back at home. I still prefer to live on Island side most of these days but....$$$$. If no house in US than i wouldn't mind paying rent and moving to the other side. Those taxi rides back to Kwoloon at night are killing me. $85 one way each time they really need to run an owl line of some sort or I need to figure out how these crazy green mini buses work......To visit people on the island i don't mind at all.

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