Sunday, October 19, 2008

Energy in HK

I came to the realization that i don't need as much sleep in HK as I do in the US...(yes yes i know some of you are thinking you didn't sleep in the US either) But I was tired in the US here I am not tired. There is an aura of energy here in HK that doesn't exist in the US

Mainly business energy and party life as well.

I find myself really pushing myself more and more and working harder here in HK than I do in the US. people around me work so hard it really gets me in the working mode. I see so many successful people here in HK and I would like to one day be one of them. Success and the fact that i believe in this company are the main driving factors in my work ethic. Because of this I can see why people party so hard here in HK.

**Partying life**

I segue into this from work because as written above partying hard is a way of life here. People need an out from their hard work days so on weekends its non stop partying here. I've noticed I can party hard and come home and still stay up until 5-6 AM without batting an eye lash. It is really quite a strange concept when I first got here but got used to it very quickly.

People just tend to drag me out on the weekends regardless and I got used to partying until 4 am going home sleeping for 6 hours and waking up to meet people for lunch. Ah What a LIFE......

You do get sick of it eventually but I haven't!

This city is always bustling. It's a bit scary when I walk out of my apartment at 1 AM in the morning in Tsim Sha Tsui and I see a massive amount of people still out walking on the street. We are talking about people of all ages. Kids, Teens, Adults, Older Generation. It's amazing to simply watch that. It blew my mind at the beginning but now I am totally used to it. That is why when my friends came they asked me what time I wanted to meet up at a club I told them 1 AM. They were a bit surprised by my answer. We are way to used to having to go out around 11 PM back in the states cause we need to get as much partying done as possible before the 1:30 AM last disappointing.......

So far so good. I have not worn myself out yet. My body has shutdown on me briefly sometime 2 weeks ago when my friend was visiting and we were partying 6 days straight. Even I can't take that!

1 comment:

Cognac On My Lips said...

Hey Pat, I think that it is wonderful that you have started a blog. You are going through life changing experiences. And I feel honored to be able to read them and Pseudo experience them with you. Post a lot of pictures of food please. My best to you always...V